Invisalign For Kids
Invisalign First clear aligner treatment is designed for predictable results and a positive experience while addressing the unique needs of growing children.
Invisalign® First Treatment For Children
As a child grows, their smile grows with them. And even with baby teeth, it may be the perfect time for children ages 7 to 10 to start orthodontic treatment. This is known as Phase 1 treatment. At this stage, orthodontists can see issues that may need early treatment to address a developing problem.
For many children, early orthodontic treatment is incredibly beneficial. Early treatment can help correct issues with the structure of the mouth and the alignment of the teeth. Although braces are often used to achieve our treatment goals, we are now able to offer clear aligner therapy. This treatment modality is called Invisalign First.
About Invisalign® First
Invisalign First works the same as the other Invisalign products, just on a smaller scale. We place attachments just like we would for teens and adults however, the attachments are made to accommodate the baby teeth that have smaller crowns. Invisalign First patients are usually in treatment for 9 to 12 months, and since their teeth are generally easier to move, we can accomplish a lot in a little amount of time.
Invisalign First doesn’t interfere with holidays, movie night, school pictures, musical performances, or sports events. Simply remove the aligners when needed or keep them on during practices or games for more tooth protection.
Benefits of Invisalign® First
Non-invasive: Invisalign First is comfortable and easy
Designed to treat a broad range of teeth straightening issues in growing children, from simple to complex, including crowding, spacing, and narrow dental arches.
Removable for easy hygiene, making it easier for growing children to brush and floss.
Designed for comfort – which means no discomfort from rubbing brackets or poking wires.
No food restrictions! Aligners are removed to eat, so patients are able to eat whatever they want.
Kids Can Benefit From Invisalign® First Treatment
See how Invisalign First helped several of our younger patients!
Getting Started With Invisalign® First
Invisalign First allows orthodontists to predict a patient’s tooth movement more accurately, thus offering excellent results in younger patients. We recommend getting started with a check-up at about age 7 to determine if your child has early orthodontic needs that should be addressed.
We’ll evaluate if Invisalign First, an appliance, or partial braces are a better fit for your child during a complimentary new patient exam. If no treatment is needed, we’ll continue to monitor your child’s oral development free of charge until they need treatment.
We’re excited to be able to offer younger patients and their parents more options for correcting issues early and starting them on their way to a healthy, beautiful smile for life.